Thursday, May 2, 2013

Response to Roland Rumrill's "America For Sale"

Is buying your way into America a process that all its citizens should know about? I’m curious to know how this program is marketed, if at all, to other countries. What do you think?

Roland brings up a new immigration path in his blog in which immigrant can pay a large sum of money, about $500,000, in order to expedite there rate to citizenship.  besides the obvious discrimination this path holds. Enabling wealthier immigrants to cut to the front of the line, while those who are actually seeking the refuge and opportunity of the untied states are left to wait, which in itself is sickening.  it goes against everything america stands for.  the whole idea of our country, as i see it is the act of working hard to achieve a goal.  this system rewards those who have already attained a large amount of capital and in most cases probably do not need the opportunity presented.  This method will obviously be geared towards the richest to the immigrant attempting entry to the country and i would be willing to bet kept a secret from those who do not have the income.  This idea goes against the principles of this country  and i hope it never comes into action. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The John Smith Dilemma

Demonstrated in Professors Johnsons blog is a scenario in which a manger is faced with an ethical decision.  John Smith has the option to sell the information of the people he has research on for 8000 dollars,  as mentioned there is no legal issue and the individuals involved never signed anything retaining their information.  this leaves us with the issue of ethics, should smith sell or not.  the problem is if smith does not sell it is very likely the firm will address someone else with the same offer and overall receive the same information.  Because there is no legal dilemma Smith should take the opportunity and receive the money.  After which he can address the ethical issue with his employees for any future scenario that may be similar to this one. 

Do you believe that if John Smith does not take this deal someone else will.  What do you think the ethical ramifications, if any, would be if the individuals found out about the sale?