As we have discussed in class brands play a huge role in how consumers act. this is evident when we hear things like Q-tips and Bandaids. these products true names are cotton swabs and adhesive bandages but more people know them by their brand name. Brands as mentioned in the Huffington post article have now taken a role in politics. People are willing to pay much more for products with brand recognition. so why not apply this theory to politics. Simply by advertising Obama as the young persons candidate, and dubbing the slogan "Change" Obama was able to build of massive support. the idea of Obama is not only that of a individual president but a simple of change and "moving forward". The Obama brand will most likely carry far past his presidency and be remembered more of as an idea then an individual.
Do you think that Brand recognition comes only from advertising, or do the products also meet the standards the customer wishes better then available substitutes?
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